Sunday, 8 February 2015

Why I prefer Film

Digital or Traditional?

I've had experience with both digital and traditional. As a kid I grew up with my dad using film cameras & I loved playing around with disposable cameras , when I started really getting into photography in 2012 at the age of 15/16 I started out with an olympus compact then a Nikon bridge camera and then in 2013 I got a Canon 600D and in 2014 I got a Fujifilm instax 210 (instant/ 'polaroid'). 

For me personally I find that digital is easier and maybe that's because I'm so used to it and still learning the analog ways however don't get me wrong , it's difficult using the manual mode on a DSLR when you're learning. A lot of digital photographers I've seen use a DSLR still haven't mastered the focus on their cameras...

So before you say photography is just pressing 'a button' it isn't & I challenge you to pick up a DSLR or SLR and take a fantastic photo considering composition , lighting & camera settings.

Different camera types
So in digital there's basically three different main options:

and for film:
medium format 
Large format

What I've used:


I absolotely love experimenting with different camera types , for my Final major project in my first year at college I bought a Fujifilm instax which produces 'polaroid' type photo's such as :

Why do I prefer film?
 I personally prefer it because I've learnt more since having my Om-10 (since December) then I have these past 2 + years using digital where photography is concerned. I've learnt more about aperture , shutter & ISO settings than when using digital and knowing more about the settings is such an advantage because it means I actually understand my camera which is important.

I also think that using film encourages you to physically have your prints rather than just storing them in a digital folder and never showing them off or being able to frame them. Keeping everything digitally leaves you the risk of possible corruption and never being able to retrieve them.

When I compare the two, quality wise through photo's I believe that film is much better quality. I love the colours and tones that film produces also I don't believe that there's anything wrong with a little grain in fact I quite like it sometimes. 

Which do you prefer? and if you've only tried one , definitely try the other!


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