Friday, 27 February 2015

Orland Roll 3

Orlando Roll 2 has still not been found and sadly I'm starting think I never will find it -sad face- so I loaded my OM-10 with an expired Kodak Roll and started shooting. The film box said the film iso/asa is to be set at 800 which I have never shot at before with film , and considering the film expired in 2006 , half way through the film I decided to change it to iso/asa 200.

 I'm glad I made that decision.

The kodak roll was a 24 exposure roll however my dad opened the back of my camera when I had already used 10 shots. gutted. So my exposure counter went right back down to 0 which was a little annoying to keep remembering that I had already shot with it and knowing that those 10 shots would be unusable.

I got my film processed today (yay!) and I'm really pleased with the shots that did turn out!! 

It's my third time using the Olympus OM-10 and I love it , I totally reccomend it to anyone wanting a film camera especially if you are just starting up film photography. I've had no problems other than having to change the batteries (yes some film cameras do take batteries) and the sad loss of Roll #2.

Here's some shots from Roll 3.

The three of these photographs I used natural lighting and I adore the warm tones that it's created!


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