Thursday, 5 February 2015

Darkroom Day

Today I spent approximately 5 hours in the Darkroom . 5 hours. Of course if you've never worked in a darkroom before then that probably wouldn't seem like a long time. Even longer if you aren't the only person in there. There is nothing more stressful to a photography student (working traditionally) than being in a darkroom with other people who aren't being considerate or just simply have no idea what they are doing...

1. please please please LOWER THE BRIGHTNESS of your enlarger light if you are going to remove the negative carrier! (doing so stops other peoples paper being unintentionally exposed and reduces risk of blindness ha)

2. when you remove your print from the developing tray please be considerate and recognise the fact there may be someone stood behind you so don't flick it everywhere because that launches drops of developer which permanently stains clothes. just stop.

3. My goodness. If you place a print the size of Asia into the developing tray when other people also have prints in their please for the love of elephants don't let it float all over other peoples prints, this will ruin other people prints & possibly yours.

Think that's about it where my ranting is here's my favourite's from today.


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