Saturday, 28 February 2015

Orlando Roll 3

So here are all the photo's from Orlando Roll 3 ! Despite the fact that a lot of the photo's didn't turn out because of the back of the camera being opened , it made some quite cool effects (light leakage) on photo 7 which I love.

I've loaded my OM-10 with an AGFA roll from poundland which I have some exciting ideas about using. 

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Friday, 27 February 2015

Orland Roll 3

Orlando Roll 2 has still not been found and sadly I'm starting think I never will find it -sad face- so I loaded my OM-10 with an expired Kodak Roll and started shooting. The film box said the film iso/asa is to be set at 800 which I have never shot at before with film , and considering the film expired in 2006 , half way through the film I decided to change it to iso/asa 200.

 I'm glad I made that decision.

The kodak roll was a 24 exposure roll however my dad opened the back of my camera when I had already used 10 shots. gutted. So my exposure counter went right back down to 0 which was a little annoying to keep remembering that I had already shot with it and knowing that those 10 shots would be unusable.

I got my film processed today (yay!) and I'm really pleased with the shots that did turn out!! 

It's my third time using the Olympus OM-10 and I love it , I totally reccomend it to anyone wanting a film camera especially if you are just starting up film photography. I've had no problems other than having to change the batteries (yes some film cameras do take batteries) and the sad loss of Roll #2.

Here's some shots from Roll 3.

The three of these photographs I used natural lighting and I adore the warm tones that it's created!


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Why I prefer Film

Digital or Traditional?

I've had experience with both digital and traditional. As a kid I grew up with my dad using film cameras & I loved playing around with disposable cameras , when I started really getting into photography in 2012 at the age of 15/16 I started out with an olympus compact then a Nikon bridge camera and then in 2013 I got a Canon 600D and in 2014 I got a Fujifilm instax 210 (instant/ 'polaroid'). 

For me personally I find that digital is easier and maybe that's because I'm so used to it and still learning the analog ways however don't get me wrong , it's difficult using the manual mode on a DSLR when you're learning. A lot of digital photographers I've seen use a DSLR still haven't mastered the focus on their cameras...

So before you say photography is just pressing 'a button' it isn't & I challenge you to pick up a DSLR or SLR and take a fantastic photo considering composition , lighting & camera settings.

Different camera types
So in digital there's basically three different main options:

and for film:
medium format 
Large format

What I've used:


I absolotely love experimenting with different camera types , for my Final major project in my first year at college I bought a Fujifilm instax which produces 'polaroid' type photo's such as :

Why do I prefer film?
 I personally prefer it because I've learnt more since having my Om-10 (since December) then I have these past 2 + years using digital where photography is concerned. I've learnt more about aperture , shutter & ISO settings than when using digital and knowing more about the settings is such an advantage because it means I actually understand my camera which is important.

I also think that using film encourages you to physically have your prints rather than just storing them in a digital folder and never showing them off or being able to frame them. Keeping everything digitally leaves you the risk of possible corruption and never being able to retrieve them.

When I compare the two, quality wise through photo's I believe that film is much better quality. I love the colours and tones that film produces also I don't believe that there's anything wrong with a little grain in fact I quite like it sometimes. 

Which do you prefer? and if you've only tried one , definitely try the other!


Friday, 6 February 2015

Trending ...slowly...but surely

First I'll start by saying , I publish my photographs everywhere as you guys have surely noticed. I have accounts on over 5 various websites where I publish my work in which I always upload consistently. Why? because I am super determined I can't emphasise just how determined I am. There are so many 'photographers' out there and more and more keep cropping up which means there is always a lot of 'competition'. I do not want to spend my life being a wedding photographer. I just don't. I have higher goals than that, I want my work exhibited in galleries. It doesn't bother me that it might take a lifetime to achieve that goal , I'm all up for putting the work in because I adore what I do. 

Okay so I get the fact I'll never be the next David Bailey but there's no reason why I can't push myself as much as I can and always always always shoot.

Where can you find my work online?

The past few weeks my work has started to get more 'likes' 'reblogs' 'favourites' 're-pins' and '+1's' which is so exciting to see! I mentioned not long ago that one of my expired film shots reached 11,580 views and over 150 favourites which is the most I've ever reached!
Today I've been spending time uploading to Lomography and within the hour one of my photo's was second on the trending section of the site!

I want to thank everyone over the past 2/3 years who have said such kind and encouraging words about my work and to those who take the time to read my blog posts , like & share everything because it means so much.


Thursday, 5 February 2015

Darkroom Day

Today I spent approximately 5 hours in the Darkroom . 5 hours. Of course if you've never worked in a darkroom before then that probably wouldn't seem like a long time. Even longer if you aren't the only person in there. There is nothing more stressful to a photography student (working traditionally) than being in a darkroom with other people who aren't being considerate or just simply have no idea what they are doing...

1. please please please LOWER THE BRIGHTNESS of your enlarger light if you are going to remove the negative carrier! (doing so stops other peoples paper being unintentionally exposed and reduces risk of blindness ha)

2. when you remove your print from the developing tray please be considerate and recognise the fact there may be someone stood behind you so don't flick it everywhere because that launches drops of developer which permanently stains clothes. just stop.

3. My goodness. If you place a print the size of Asia into the developing tray when other people also have prints in their please for the love of elephants don't let it float all over other peoples prints, this will ruin other people prints & possibly yours.

Think that's about it where my ranting is here's my favourite's from today.


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Red & a Daisy

Following on from my last post and reflecting on some of my flower & nature shots has really rekindled my love for that particular subject matter. I have always liked to experiment with photographic genre, I've never really stayed focus on one thing for too long which I'm quite glad about because it's really encouraged me to step out of any forming comfort zones and I think that in itself has the possibilities to develop more skills within the medium.

I have also started to use lightroom again as my main editing software which I forgot how much I adored using!

(still on the hunt for the second roll of film)


Monday, 2 February 2015

Nature shots

Gutted. I've lost my 2nd roll of film which was ready to be processed! you know you're a photographer when you can't settle because you've lost a roll of film. ahh. So in the meantime I've loaded my om10 with a black & white film (only 12 exposures this time just whilst I find my other one) hopefully it won't be too long before it turns up.

Anyway here's some nature shots.
