Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Same subject, different mood

Hey! so this is my second post on this blog. I'm totally up for people leaving comments or messaging me about what they would like to see on this blog? I could do an equipment review of my cameras or maybe talk about some of my polaroid/instax photographs from one of my favourite projects I did before summer? just anything you'd like to see really.

I'm conscious about writing too much in these posts obviously because I want to avoid boredom! So i'll keep them as short and sweet as possible without leaving too much out.

Here are two recent photograph's of mine, both of which taken of the same flower in the same location however one is clearly black and white and the other with colour. I decided to post these to show the difference editing , composition and props can have even when using the same subject matter.

ISO: 800
So as you can see, both images are of the same flower which is the main focus point however the editing was different as well as the camera angle which in itself can completely change an image. 

I'm a big fan of black and white photography so I thought to incorporate it more into my own images, I think black and white enhances the mood within the photo where as colour can sometimes be distracting from the message or emotion you may be trying to put across with your imagery. Often I think black and white can show more detail in the image too, which I believe is the case above.


“The most colorful thing in the world is black and white, it contains all colors and at the same time excludes all.”- Vikram

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