Wednesday, 17 September 2014

An inspiration of mine

I was told last week that whilst my instax (polaroid) work was up on exhibition earlier this year in college that it had inspired someone to go out and buy the same camera I used! It made me super happy hearing that my work had inspired someone to do that! It reminded me of when the exhibition was on and I stood a little away from my work (but close enough to hear what people were saying about it) and the feeling you get from compliments is such a boost!. A relative of mine once showed someone one of my photographs to somebody and they were inspired to compose a piece of music about it too. 

Note to all those reading: if you ever like a piece of artwork which someone you know has created whether it be a photograph , a painting , a drawing anything! even a doodle! then TELL THEM because they won't forget it and you might make that persons day. Heck , even if you just like what they're wearing, tell them.


My blog post today is dedicated towards Linda McCartney, who was an amazing photographer and one of my favourites. It was in 2012 that I really started to recognise that I wanted to be a photographer and from that I started to research other photographers, my mum (being a Beatles fanatic) introduced me to Linda McCartney's work, she brought out her book 'Linda McCartney's Sixties' from the shelf and I took my time admiring all of the flawless work on every page.

Linda first began her photography career by being the only unofficial photographer on the SS sea panther Yacht on the Hudson River who was allowed to photograph The Rolling Stones during a record promo party. Previous to that she studied only the photography of horses and after became the house photographer at the Fillmore East Concert Hall. So she quite quickly became more and more familiar with photographing musicians. 

Some of my personal favourite photographs taken by McCartney are of Paul McCartney and their daughter Stella. 


More of my favourites: 

What I admire most about her work is that the subjects always look so relaxed, almost like they don't even notice the camera. They always look at ease and nothing looks overly posed and for me that's what it takes to be a fantastic photographer, someone who can capture a moment in such a way that it isn't overly thought about, it just happens in that one moment.

None of these photographs are mine.

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