Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Bitterness in the arts

''It's the person behind the camera that makes the photograph, the camera is just an extension of the photographers ego''

This is a quote I came across on Facebook recently and it really made me think about photography and also the people behind the camera. There can be such a bitter competition between people where their art is concerned whether that's because of the equipment used or just because and it's completely unnecessary. Art is something that is generated from you. From your thoughts, your passions, your feelings, it should be unique to you. Even if you have the most expensive paintbrush in the world , does not mean your painting will be any more magnificent than a painting created with tied up straw. 

In addition

Just because you use the same medium as them does not mean you are in competition. Everybody is entitled to have their own quirks and to flaunt that within their work, it doesn't make you any better because your equipment is more expensive than theirs. It doesn't make you any better or any worse. 

what I'm trying to say is...

Encourage others , encourage their work, admire it and they will often return the favour. 
Also, just because you have more advantages does NOT mean you are better so don't discourage people just to enhance your ego.


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