Wednesday, 28 January 2015

New York Postcard



Tuesday, 27 January 2015

New York Postcard


I love going back on my NYC photographs and re editing them in different ways with new techniques I learn, such as photo montage and as photo montage is a technique I've started to use for one of my college projects I thought I'd give a practice go on some older photo's so I used one of my street documentary style shots with a scanned image from a page from my NYC sketchbook. It's a little different but that's what I like! :) thoughts & opinions are always welcome.


(Blogger seems to of altered the quality of this image on here so for a higher quality version click here)

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Polaroid 1

Here is a photograph of mine that I took last year featuring my friend Mary. I had spent the weekend at her house and had received my instax wide in the mail just before going so I took it with me in preparation to take my first 'polaroid'. I took over 40 'polaroid' photographs for a college project which will soon be shown on here but first I thought I'd post this. The polaroid Mary is holding is the first one I took from my series. 

Follow my blog Here on bloglovin' to keep up with blog posts.


Monday, 19 January 2015

Dad's film camera , OM1

Spending some time going over my older digital photographs and playing around editing them as I've recently been focusing on taking photo's using my OM10. Here's a photograph I took of my dad's film camera in 2013.


Thursday, 8 January 2015

First shoot over view

Olympus OM 10 , first shoot overview 

So I'm guessing by this point a lot of people have already seen all if not some of the images above from my first shoot using my om10 especially as I've posted them on 500px , Flickr , pinterest & tumblr. The roll was a 36 exposure however I only posted my favourites (the 12 above).

I had such a great time using my camera for the first time , it was so exciting waiting for them to be processed even more so because I used expired film so I wasn't sure how they would turn out.

The film I used was AGFA , ISO 200 and the expiry date was 2005.

Using the camera:
The camera itself has an auto shutter speed unless you get the manual adapter which I purchased after I processed the first roll and I am so glad I got it! I'm half way through shooting my second and I have so much more confidence shooting knowing I have control over the shutter speed. Some of my shots which I haven't uploaded came out blurry because I didn't have as much control over the camera as I wanted due to not having the manual adapter. 
I have honestly learnt more about how to use a camera properly in these past 2/3 weeks than I have in the past 2/3 years. Film photography has brought me right back to basics and I feel like I'm starting afresh!

on a side note: I've hit 11,166 views & almost 200 'favourites' on this photo :

That I uploaded to Flickr on January 5th which is the most views/favourites I've ever reached! which is super exciting!

Thank you all for your support


Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Olympus om10

AGFA 200 (expired film)

Bitterness in the arts

''It's the person behind the camera that makes the photograph, the camera is just an extension of the photographers ego''

This is a quote I came across on Facebook recently and it really made me think about photography and also the people behind the camera. There can be such a bitter competition between people where their art is concerned whether that's because of the equipment used or just because and it's completely unnecessary. Art is something that is generated from you. From your thoughts, your passions, your feelings, it should be unique to you. Even if you have the most expensive paintbrush in the world , does not mean your painting will be any more magnificent than a painting created with tied up straw. 

In addition

Just because you use the same medium as them does not mean you are in competition. Everybody is entitled to have their own quirks and to flaunt that within their work, it doesn't make you any better because your equipment is more expensive than theirs. It doesn't make you any better or any worse. 

what I'm trying to say is...

Encourage others , encourage their work, admire it and they will often return the favour. 
Also, just because you have more advantages does NOT mean you are better so don't discourage people just to enhance your ego.


Monday, 5 January 2015

More photo's

Olympus om10
AGFA 200 expired film


Orlando, Roll 1

My first roll shooting with Orlando

In my last post I talked briefly about my new camera, the Olympus om10 and I finished my first roll about a week ago and just today got it processed and I'm unbelievably excited with the results considering my first roll was getting used to the camera also I wasn't sure how the photo's would turn out because I was using expired film. It's safe to say I'm definitely using expired film again, I'm obsessed already!

Here's some of my shots! Keep checking out my blog for more photo's :)

Only basic editing used i.e. cropping & adding watermark.
