Friday, 28 August 2015

Technical Post ; OM-10 Problems

It's been exactly 245 days since I was given my film camera (Olympus OM-10) for Christmas..and less than a year in I've already decided I'd like a new camera. It's a sweet relatively sturdy camera and usually gets the job done , it's better to use with the manual adapter if you want more control over the settings (again , usually). However without the manual adapter the camera itself is aperture priority* so really its more built towards having a little control and even when I have my manual adaptor fully attached I have noticed despite changing the shutter myself , it will ignore that occasionally and pick a shutter for me which is really very inconvenient as I am always using it handheld without a tripod and if I want to take sunset photos (which 80% of my not yet developed roll is) it will lower the shutter right down and ruin the shot, which is greatly annoying as and not cheap especially if its expired which most of the film I use is.
So I'm still looking to stick with the Olympus OM brand , probably (hopefully) the OM2N or something similar where the camera is fully manual.

Aperture priority ; The photographer picks what aperture and the camera automatically controls the shutter speed to what is 'correct'.

Example of the shutter taking control ^    :(


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Roll 7 ~ elderly-esque ?

                            Orlando Roll 7

Camera: Olympus OM-10
Film: Agfa Vista Plus

Bottom two have been converted to B&W

Sorry it's been such a long time since doing a post , It took me a while to get my latest film developed, I got the results back today and despite the fact ASDA suck at scanning photos and just anything photo related at all , I'm pretty chuffed with the results. However I have noticed there seems to be an issue with my camera's shutter which is slightly forgiveable considering it's age. It's also a pretty good excuse to invest in a different 35mm. Thinking about getting the Olympus OM2N so if anyone reading has any experience with that particular camera let me know what it's like.


Anyone that knows me , knows I adore photographing old people and capturing their stories , this latest roll was me doing that but in a slightly different more personal way I guess. I have my own style of photography which I'm quite proud of because it can be a hard thing to achieve. In my case , I love capturing light in different situations ...sunsets, light streaks , light leaks just about anything light related, I love it. I love photo's that tell stories , I love photo's that maybe look a little bit abstract or even just relatively simple (example : the 2nd photo ^ ) and I incorporated that into these 'elderly-esque' photographs. 

The current film I'm using in my camera is from 1988 so fingers crossed I'll get some good results shortly.
